
Introducing Jackson & Lulu and a new workshop

Say hello to Jackson, the frog and Lulu, the pig - the inspiration for our newest paper line!

最新作のNiNi conceptsオリジナルペーパーはメインキャラクターのJackson & Lulu がくり出す、ポップでキュートなキッズワールド。

'Jackson & Lulu' is a line of 12, 12 x 12 inch papers that comes complete with matching tags and cut out embellishments.

今回のオリジナルペーパー'Jackson & Lulu' はなんとSBの定番12インチです!そしてタグや切り抜く飾りも付いています!

'Jackson & Lulu' will be on sale at Shalala Mart both in store and online after NiNi concepts 2010 Spring Workshop at Shalala Mart in Osaka on April 19th and 20th.

この最新作のオリジナルペーパーを使ってNINI Concepts は2010春のワークショップ大阪のShalala Martで4月19,20日を開催します!詳しくはShalala MartホームページまたはShalalaブログを見てください!

The workshop consists of two parts, which can be taken separately or together on the same day or on different days:

Workshop A - 'Jackson & Lulu' Deco Box 4,200 Yen

April 19th, 2010 10:00 - 12:30 or April 20th, 2010 13:00 - 15:30

We will create a photo frame/photo storage box which can be used as is or used to house the five mini albums we will create in

Workshop B - 'Jackson & Lulu' Five Teeny Tiny Mini Albums 4,200 Yen

April 19th, 2010 13:00 - 15:30 or April 20th, 2010 10:00 - 12:30

In this class we will create five mini albums, using the single pamphlet stitch, which can be stored in the box created in Workshop A or attached to a key ring and used to decorate your bag.

The cost for both workshops together is 6,500 Yen

For more information check out Shalala Mart's website or blog.
Or call Shalala Mart on 06-6318-0172.

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