
Introducing Jackson & Lulu and a new workshop

Say hello to Jackson, the frog and Lulu, the pig - the inspiration for our newest paper line!

最新作のNiNi conceptsオリジナルペーパーはメインキャラクターのJackson & Lulu がくり出す、ポップでキュートなキッズワールド。

'Jackson & Lulu' is a line of 12, 12 x 12 inch papers that comes complete with matching tags and cut out embellishments.

今回のオリジナルペーパー'Jackson & Lulu' はなんとSBの定番12インチです!そしてタグや切り抜く飾りも付いています!

'Jackson & Lulu' will be on sale at Shalala Mart both in store and online after NiNi concepts 2010 Spring Workshop at Shalala Mart in Osaka on April 19th and 20th.

この最新作のオリジナルペーパーを使ってNINI Concepts は2010春のワークショップ大阪のShalala Martで4月19,20日を開催します!詳しくはShalala MartホームページまたはShalalaブログを見てください!

The workshop consists of two parts, which can be taken separately or together on the same day or on different days:

Workshop A - 'Jackson & Lulu' Deco Box 4,200 Yen

April 19th, 2010 10:00 - 12:30 or April 20th, 2010 13:00 - 15:30

We will create a photo frame/photo storage box which can be used as is or used to house the five mini albums we will create in

Workshop B - 'Jackson & Lulu' Five Teeny Tiny Mini Albums 4,200 Yen

April 19th, 2010 13:00 - 15:30 or April 20th, 2010 10:00 - 12:30

In this class we will create five mini albums, using the single pamphlet stitch, which can be stored in the box created in Workshop A or attached to a key ring and used to decorate your bag.

The cost for both workshops together is 6,500 Yen

For more information check out Shalala Mart's website or blog.
Or call Shalala Mart on 06-6318-0172.


Introducing "Party Pieces" and a shopping update

"Party Pieces" - the latest addition to NiNi concepts paper lineup. Ten designs perfect for winter and the festive season!

1. Cherry Menthol 2. Ice Candy 3. Countdown Cocktail 4. Wine Notes 5. Sherry Trifle 6. Sugar Plums 7. Green Ginger 8. Cranberry Spice 9. Champagne Pop 10. Royal Icing

Plus, we're delighted to announce that all our papers are now available to buy online or instore from Shalala Mart!

If you haven't had a chance to visit Shalala Mart, let me tell you it's well worth visiting - I had a great time shopping there after my classes last weekend and found some things I had been coveting for a long time but hadn't managed to find elsewhere in Japan, like 7 Gypsy Elastics and Gator Clips...

I also had a lot of fun meeting and scrapping with old friends and new ones there. Thank you all for coming to our classes. Can't wait to see you all again soon!


Kansai Winter Workshops

NiNi concepts presents
Keitai Mini Album "I ♥you"

今年5月に携帯電話会社AU発行の小冊子、AU style誌上でNiNi conceptsのNickyをご覧になった方も多いはず。
表紙を飾った作品 “I ♥ dogs" をワークショップとしては初めて、関西にて開催します。
AU style誌上では「かわいい犬」がテーマになっていましたが、今回は "I ♥you"

Date : 12月13日 日曜日
Time : 11:00~16:00
Place :シャララマート
講習費 : ¥5800 (材料費込み。 以前シャララマートにてNiNi conceptsのオリジナルペーパー"sweet

As featured in AU Style magazine! Learn how to make this amazing interactive mini album using papers from NiNi concepts "Sweet Life" range plus other exclusive products. This is the first time this class has been offered and we're delighted to be holding it at Shalala Mart in Osaka.

Date: Sunday, 13th December, 2009
Time: 11:00 - 16:00
Place: Shalala Mart, Suita, Osaka
Cost: 5,800 Yen (includes all materials)or 4,600 Yen if you have previously purchased the 'Sweet Life' paper set at Shalala Mart and bring it to the class.

NiNi concepts presents
"The most wonderful time"

クリスマスシーズンにぴったりのミニアルバム"The most wonderful time"
使用しているペーパーは、冬のイメージで作られた、なんとNiNi conceptsの最新版。
誰よりも早くwinter workshopでお目見えです!

Date : 12月14日 月曜日
Time : 10:00~14:30
Place :シャララマート
講習費 : ¥4600 (材料費込み)*前日のKeitai albumをお申し込みの方は、今回¥4600
(材料費込み)の講座をクリスマス価格¥4200 (材料費込み)で受講いただけます。

'Tis the season... yes the holiday season is almost here and this mini album is perfect for holding all your festive photos. Learn how to make a paperbag album containing an amazing 3D Christmas tree using papers from NiNi concepts brand new winter line. There will also be plenty of hints and tips for how to make the best use of the album's many pages - this album can hold over 30 photos!

Date: Monday, 14th December, 2009
Time: 10:00 - 14:30
Place: Shalala Mart, Suita, Osaka
Cost: 4,600 Yen (includes all materials), reduced to 4,200 Yen if attending both workshops.

お問い合わせ:シャララ・マート(TEL:06-6318-0172) または niniconcepts@gmail.com
For more information contact niniconcepts@gmail.com or Shalala Mart (TEL:06-6318-0172)


Thank you for coming!

Just a quick post to thank everyone who attended our class in Hiroshima recently. And to say a big thank you for all the lovely goodies sent by Crafter's Workshop as door prizes! I hope you all had as much fun as I did!


A Very Special Blend...Available Soon

Darjeeling, Lapsang Souchon, Gunpowder are just some of the flavours in our newest paper line "Tea Break", a delicious combination of orange, blue, teal, green and purple that's perfect for the upcoming season.

These are the papers we'll be using in our upcoming workshop on Saturday, along with "Tea Treats"a special set of accents, created especially for this project. I can't wait!

And in answer to a couple of questions we've received:
No, you don't have to be attending CKU-J to take this class.
The mini book can be easily customised in class to suit any event.
So please come along! You're more than welcome!

NiNi concepts の新作ペーパー "Tea Break" ― 秋にぴったり!オレンジ、青、緑、紫などのおいしそうな組み合わせ・・・そして今回のワークショップのため特別に作ったアックセント "Tea Treats" をちょっとだけ早く皆様に紹介します!土曜日がとても楽しみにしています!

Q: CKU-Jに行かないとワークショップに参加できないですか?
A: とんでもない!もちろん参加できます!どうぞ!大歓迎!実は今回作るEvent Record Book(イベントリコード ブック)の魅力はどんなイベントにも使用できます。自分だけのオリジナル作品をぜひ作ってください!

ではSee you on Saturday!


ゲリラ ワークショップ in Osaka!!!


NiNi concepts最新オリジナルペーパーで作るEvent Record Book(イベントリコード ブック)

CKU-J開催地、新大阪駅から10分の距離にあるシャララマートの協力を得て、今回NiNi conceptsは久々のworkshopを企画しました。
CKU-Jでの想い出をしっかり詰め込めるミニアルバム、その名もEvent Record Book !

このクラスではGlossy Accentsの上手な使い方、そして何より、たった2枚のCSを利用した、しかし折り方には工夫が施された、アイディアものの変形アコーディオン型のアルバムを学びます。
そして今回、この秋発表のNiNi concepts未発表オリジナル新作ペーパーを使用。

NiNi conceptsの講師はもちろんNicky。今回もCKU-Jのお手伝いをします。

お問い合わせ:シャララ・マート(TEL:06-6318-0172) または niniconcepts@gmail.com

On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, 2009 (afternoon)

Be the first to use NiNi concepts brand new paper line "Tea Break"!

Are you attending CKU-J? Or another special event this autumn?
NiNi concepts, in collaboration with Shalala Mart, have created a delightful project to help you record these precious memories. In the class you'll learn how to create an adorable accordian mini book with a twist, using only 2 sheets of cardstock, NiNi concepts newest paper line "Tea Break", some custom designed accents and some clever application of Glossy Accents, ready for the event. This mini book is no one hit wonder however - it's a format you can use again and again!

Shalala Mart is a fabulous scrapbooking store located in Suita, just 10 minutes by train and on foot from Shin Osaka Station, so why not drop by and take the class? I can't wait to see you there!

For more information: Shalala Mart (Tel:06-6318-0172) or send us an email niniconcepts@gmail.com